Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Second Day of Bible School

Yes, the second day went better than the first.  Yesterday I was hoping to not have a bladder infection--I was having twinges--and I drank about a quart of cranberry juice yesterday and today I'm much better.  I also had way more energy today--and I needed it.  It was a great day, though.  Everyone is doing a good job and the kids seem  to enjoy it. 

I made the two shirts in the last five days--the rolled flowers was last weekend and the ruffled one was yesterday.  I sat on the couch most of the day yesterday and here's the outcome.  I made more money at S'More Couture in May than in any other month since I've been there so I need to keep making these shirts.  Yay!  If you'd like a shirt like what you've seen here or any you may see on my blog, please contact Amy at the store's link address or phone number or contact me via my email: sallylsmith1@yahoo.com.  They are $22.00 each from me and that includes shipping within the Continental USA.  They are more at the shop--remember Amy needs to keep her doors open.

The scripture for Bible School today was found in Psalm 119:50--"Your promise revives me; it gives me comfort in all my troubles."  I hope all your troubles are miniscule today and if not, call on the Lord.

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