Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pink and Purple Little Girl Necklaces

I made these cute little pink and purple necklaces for some sweet little girl friends the other week.  They wear them to school on days they don't have P.E. so they won't break them.  So sweet.   One did break, though, and I was able to fix the crocheted section by tying and glueing it.  A couple of warnings about these necklaces:  1.  They tangle easily so hang to store them.  2. Since heavy duty thread is used, it's still thread and it might break.  Catch the ends as quickly as possible.  One end will totally unravel and you might loose some beads. 
She was able to catch the necklace immediately and didn't loose any beads so I was able to connect the one charm without any problems.

Getting ready to leave day after tomorrow.  Almost everything is packed except a few things I still have to buy.  I'm so grateful for friends who have "helped" me be able to purchase necessary items.  I hate to leave Bill but I must.  He gets his shot tomorrow and we wait for three months before the radiation treatment.  Waiting is so difficult so I remain super busy to counter the edgy thoughts that enter my mind.  I must completely trust the Lord.  It's totally out of my hands.  I remain blessed.

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