Saturday, December 3, 2011

Feathered and Fingerless

Sweet little Guinea feathers

Mini-guineas for me

Sugar Sweet Fingerless Gloves

Lacy Striped Fingerless Gloves
The little guinea feathered earrings look so cute and hang well.  I even made a teeny pair of guineas for me.  Now to see if I actually wear them.  A couple of friends have challenged me and said if I do they would.  We'll see.  Us 60-plus-ers have been know to throw caution to the wind.  Hmmmm.  

The two pair of fingerless gloves I made a while back have sold so the shop owner has requested more.  I had purchased a couple more pair just in case and worked them up a few days ago.  Hope these wind up under someone's Christmas tree this year.

I'm working on super large flowers for a screen commissioned by a wedding photographer to be used as a backdrop.  Pics to come soon.  Happy weekend.

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