Thursday, January 24, 2013


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The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.
Habakkuk 3:19

Sometimes our walks are uneventful but not yesterday.  I was bundled up, as usual, for my winter morning walk.  Bill was having breakfast with a friend so I walked alone.  We many times see wildlife on our walks and today was no exception.  As I turned a curve I decided to look across the clearing.  We’ve only seen deer there a few times but today I was stopped dead in my tracks as one, two. . . . . . seven, eight deer crossed my path only 100 yards in front of me.  They hadn’t seen or heard me so I stood still, in wonder, observing their movements and crossings, their unawareness.  Tears coursed down my cheeks and contained laughter bubbled up from my heart as I thanked God for this precious morning gift.  They were set to eat breakfast and I was set to finish my walk so I slowly moved forward to see what they would do.  I expected them to move ahead in the direction they were going but as they saw me,  

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looking straight at me, they turned around and one by one lithely ran and leaped across the path—one, two. . . . . . .eight, NINE!  I had miscounted!  Tears welled again.   Into the trees they disappeared as only deer can do.  I did finish my walk and was given new energy to do so.  Of course, I didn’t see them on my return down the path but I’ll never forget that beautiful moment.  I'm actually looking forward to exercising today.  Who would have thought?

1 comment:

Jennie said...

He gives me animals as presents too. :)