Friday, August 27, 2010

Industry, Buttons and Beads

Mostly buttons and beads hang from this necklace but I had to throw in a bit of metal, too.  I love rusty stuff but it really doesn't look that great with glass and crystal beads and vintage buttons--rhinestone and glass, mostly.  I did add a couple of washers (one with teeth), a round paper clippy thing, an unknown copper whatchamacallit, and an old clip earring back.  Just pure fun, if you ask me.  It's light-weight and easy to wear.  If it were unconnected, it would measure 51 inches so it easily makes two loops.  I like the colors, so I may have to keep this one myself.
This morning I walked out with one almost like this (didn't take a picture) and by mid-afternoon it was sold--took it right off my neck.  I had to make another one and am realizing that this could be addictive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Neat to sale it as you wear it! Good job!