Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How Do We Hinder Them?

Jesus said,
 “Let the little children come to me,
 and do not hinder them,
 for the kingdom of heaven belongs
 to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14

This is a picture of one of my granddaughters some seven years ago.  She's still just as sweet today as she is in this photo. What if she was never told about how much Jesus loves her?  What if she was never taken to church by her parents?  What if she was never allowed to read the Bible?  What if she was never around Christian friends?  What if she asked about Jesus and no one ever followed up?  Then she would probably not believe in and follow Christ and receive the eternal life promised her by Jesus.  Such a sweet life would be wasted.
her parents did tell her, take her to church, allow her to read Bible stories, play and worship with Christian friends and follow up on her decision to follow Christ.  She's awaiting baptism now as her first step toward a rewarding Christian life 
and such a sweet life she is!

Photo from personal files.

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