Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Shouting Praise

"Robin's First Hello" by Pleasant Point Inn is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Shout praises to the Lord!
With all my heart
I will thank the Lord
 when his people meet.
Psalm 111:1

It's Spring! Shout for joy!

But instead...
I take so much for granted. 
Instead of shouting praise for the sheer joy of gathering together with fellow believers, I find myself criticizing the structure, the service or the people there.  
We have so much here in the USA that we cannot be happy with what God has given us...the freedom to openly worship.  Thanking the Lord is an act of will...a conscious act...and an overpowering emotion and response to what God is doing in our lives.  All of this can be taken away in the passing of a law and we just sit back and let it happen.

I will shout praise to the Lord!
I will worship Him in the beauty of His holiness and be grateful.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Maker's Mark

Photo by Sally L. Smith

Splendor and beauty mark his craft;
His generosity never gives out.
Psalm 111:3 MSG

This was a photo taken a few days ago at dawn.  I rarely see the moon pictured like this and even though my camera is limited, I think the shot is beautiful...mainly because the subject is.
God, the Creator of Splendor, never fails to put His maker's mark on His creations.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


"Storm Clouds During Sunset," by idreamlikecrazy  CC BY 2.0

For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised:
 he is to be feared above all gods
For all the gods of the nations are idols: 
but the LORD made the heavens.
Psalm 96:4-5

I love clouds...ever changing, ever beautiful.  God in His wisdom provided us built-in entertainment on this earth but sometimes we take it for granted.  Look to the heavens and be amazed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

To Keep A Promise

"Where Are We Now?" by Maria Teresa Ambrosi  CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Give the Lord your God what you promised him; 
bring gifts to him, all you nearby nations. God makes everyone fear him; he humbles proud princes and terrifies great kings.
Psalm 76:11-12 GNT

As taught to us again in a recent Bible study, we Christians are "little Christs."  We are to be holy as He is holy.  We are to live our lives as a reflection of Him.  No, that is not blasphemous; it is a call to allegiance of the highest order.  When we promise God we'll serve Him, he listens to us, as usual and as He promised. God does everything He promises.
Why don't I?

Monday, March 16, 2015

Praising You

"Light of Day," by Art4TheGlryOfGod by Sharon  CC BY 2.0

 Where morning dawns and evening fades
 you call forth songs of joy.
Psalm 65:8 NIV

We enjoyed our week of mild weather and are looking forward to the first day of Spring this week.  We will be celebrating my father-in-law's 90th birthday.  
Celebration is on the way!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Dreaming of Escape

"God Is Wiser and Stronger..." by Art4TheGlryOfGod by Sharon  CC BY 2.0

God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.
2 Peter 1:4 CEV

I loved our winter but now I'm wanting Spring.  Seems we're always wanting something we don't have.  No, I won't be taking a trip to the ocean and see a sunset like the one above, but I can dream, can't I?
Is escaping our evil desires only a dream, too?  Will we ever be free of the corrupt influences in our world?  Probably the answer to each question is, "No," but I can dream, can't I.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

My Heart Says, "Yes."

From vintage photo collection of Sally L. Smith

I said, “I will watch my ways
    and keep my tongue from sin;
I will put a muzzle on my mouth
    while in the presence of the wicked.”
So I remained utterly silent,
    not even saying anything good.

Photo by Rusty Clark   CC BY 2.0

But my anguish increased;
 my heart grew hot within me.
While I meditated,the fire burned
    then I spoke with my tongue:
Psalm 39 :1-3

How I wish I could control my mouth.  I realize that it is my heart that goes wonky and I have to be right, no matter what.  But why?  Why can't I internalize my discontent and think things over before I speak?  Am I trying to make myself better than someone else?  Well, that doesn't work because I feel miserable when I speak my piece. 
 Mouth...just shut up!

Thursday, March 5, 2015


"Winter's Strike," by Sally L. Smith

The windstorms of winter strike,....
Job 37:9

Finally, we have enough snow to call it Winter.
  We received about 4-5 inches and many towns around us got a lot more.  When something like this happens, the whole world shuts down here...well, almost.  I'm sure there are some brave-hearts who have four-wheel drive vehicles to cart Sillysouls to the hospital when they do their cavorting on the highways.  Though we feel we are seasoned snow veterans, we are always on the lookout for road hogs and young bucks feeling their oats.  Because there are so few snow plows in this area, the roads don't get cleared for days and I've never seen a plow on our back roads.  The only clearing is the track made by the brave or desperate.  
I know this is nothing compared to you Northerners but for us in  Tennessee...we are finally enjoying a real snow day.
Thank you for the snow, Lord.

Monday, March 2, 2015

All Life Is Beautiful

"Fall Lace," by Sally L. Smith

God showed his love for us 
when he sent his only Son into the world
 to give us life.
1 John 4:9

Leaves are beautiful.  Even though they are on their way to the leaf pile, they still have appeal.  I preserved this one because I love even its skeleton.
As I experience more wrinkles, saggy skin, dim eyesight and loss of hearing, I remember that life is short and to make the most of what I have left.
I have true life when I allow Christ to rule over me.