Monday, February 22, 2010

Rethinking Books

I sold this Ruffled Bible last weekend and hope it gets to its destination like this.  I packaged it in a closed position so I hope all the pages fall back into place.  I'm working on another book now, a collection of Chaucer's works.  I can't think of anything better to do with it than recreate it into an art project.  I've been folding away on this one but can't take pictures of it now until I get my USB cord replaced, or whatever is wrong here, which means I can't take pictures of anything new--thus a repeat of a previously posted photo.  I have been busy this past week working on some exchange projects (I got a jar of jewelry, she gets flowers), sorting said jewelry, working on a new bottle (the one in the previous post sold), a decorated purse (mine--I used a strip of black gauze, ruffled and sewn on a little black purse--cute, pics to come), a decorated camisolle (sp, but I don't want to look it up), pics for Etsy (which I can't download now), a funeral, meetings with two friends, a concert with the Bradley Symphonic Winds (I played handbells with our choir with them), usual church activities--choir practice, Wed supper (I cooked), three Sunday services and associated music for each, mailing Etsy and Ebay sales (long story of a package sent to the wrong person), getting sick for two days (better now), mailing a birthday present, webcam visits with Hannah and Seth (two of my thirteen grandchildren--and another on the way),  minimal housework--basics only (I hate housework!), Preschool music two mornings, paying bills, going to the bank, going grocery shopping, and other assorted wonders of the retired college music professor.  The Lord is Good.

1 comment:

Angie: said...

I found your site through Rebecca Sower's blog and just want to say that I love your Bible piece shown here! it's inspiring and I love the way that your faith is so naturally expressed through your art! I aspire to do the same! Thanks for being an inspiration!
Angie Walsh, United Kingdom