Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Little Find

I hadn't seen or heard any birds on my walk today and I prayed that God would give me a little blessing, like a finch flying across the road, a baby bunny playing or a feather--some of the things given by God when I prayed. On the last leg of the walk I looked down and found this little chipped open egg shell. I didn't even know birds hatched in early September but there it was. I added it to the nest Hannah and I found last week and also put in two feathers found while walking last week. I know birds don't share nests but they won't mind if I mix things up a bit. Preschool music started this week and the children sang like little birds:+)

1 Chronicles 16:12--"Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles."

1 comment:

rebecca said...

Oh how precious! I love anything 'bird'. What a sweet idea to collect in a teacup. blessings to you today.