"Rebellion"--the key disintegrator of Christian souls. Paul was always reminding his friends in Christ of the things he taught them, the things Christ taught his followers while He was on earth. Here Paul reminds his students, the church at Philippi, the things he taught them when he visited them last--"stand stong (firm) in the Lord." Earlier in chapter 3 he told them that "many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things." Ok, now we're getting personal. When you mention food as a god, I get on the guilty bus. I tend to forget that my whole life is to be under the discipline of Christ. It's those little pockets of self-gratification that I tend to forget. So....I need to depend on the Lord to help me through life, giving myself totally to Him.
This little card will be part of a book of scripture teachings in Philippians 4. This little one seemed to be standing so tall (compliments of playingwithbrushes on Flickr). She was holding on to a chair back but I altered it with a metal strip painted bronze, added a bronze heart charm, lace, paint and JoAnnA's new collage sheet. More embellishments will be added as I put the book together.
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