Is believing in Santa Claus wrong? My children grew up believing there was one and we did too. Both my husband's and my family didn't discourage this belief. Where did they go wrong? Were we incorrect in assuming that this belief was ok? What's wrong in thinking that there is a person big enough to give us our desires, to satisfy our deepest longings--someone in whom we can confide and trust. Did you ever notice the correlation between Santa and God? Maybe I'm stretching it a bit, but I see it. My children believe that they must be honest with their children and not allow them to believe in a myth. They want them to know that what is under the tree (and the tree belief is another story) is from them. Actually, honesty would have solved a lot of our problems when we were raising our children. My Mom and Dad gave us money to buy for our children because we just didn't have any extra. Those gifts were the "Santa" gifts and ours paled in comparison. How come Santa got to give the good gifts and not us? Why did we have to give the socks and jeans when Santa gave them toys? Oh, well, the questions abound and my kids have made their own decisions and all is well with the world. Just thought I'd vent.
Anyway, here is a freebie 1934 Santa postcard from my family collection. Hope you like it. Who started the Santa kick, anyway?
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