Something's wrong with the connection between my camera and my computer so as technically astute as I am, it will take me a while to figure it out. In the meantime, I'll show you some of the pages in a large journal that's in the S'More shop around the corner.

This is a copy of a cute little advertisement for Bluebird Brand Buttons that I fancy cut, backed with scrapbook paper and added little blue buttons in descending size.

This was probably another ad with a bluebird. I added cheese cloth and a vintage felt flower and leaves.

This little guy is so cute and he sits by a tab make from scrapbook paper, stapled on the page and I added a fancy stamp.

Since the book is about wings, I added a fairy here. The light print says, "You are precious in his sight."

I used a large butterfly with the words, "quite safe," from a vintage book. I added a crown to the bird's head, put the bird on a craft stick, made a pocket of two small luggage tags sewn together and added a sparkly sticker.
I'll save some more pictures for tomorrow because I have to cook supper for the church's Wed. meal so I'll be a little busy and won't get to investigate, buy a cord or whatever else I have to do. Computers: can't live with them; can't live without them--now.