Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Challenge With This Photo and It Could Be Yours

Make a piece of art with this photo and the whole cabinet card is yours. I'll draw names at the end of two weeks--June 9--to see who the winner is. If you're not an artist, be creative in other ways. Email a copy of the photo(s) you take and that will be your entry: sallylsmith1@yahoo.com.
Happy creating!

No Pics

I've made quite a few pieces of art lately and have no pictures to show for them. I've been so busy to get them in the shop that I've forgotten to photograph them.... Oh, well. It's mainly for me anyway and I just share them with you--when I REMEMBER TO TAKE THE PICTURES!. Hope you have a good week; we will. Gone to see the grandkids. YEH!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Baby Love Journal

These are a few pages from my new journal, "Baby Love."

This is the cover of the journal. It's going into the shop around the corner. I've got to get busy and make more small journals for the shop and for my Etsy shop online. I'm not selling much online because my tendrils into the art world are short. I do sell some art in the store, though, so it keeps me busy. I don't pine so much for my children and grandchildren who live so far away.

Proverbs 14:26--"He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More Pages From Journal

Here are a few more pages from a large journal I did a few weeks ago and put in the shop around the corner.
For this one I used a leftover scrap of paper, a picture of a sweet bird's nest with a bit of cheese cloth added, two birdy stickers and text from an old book.

I made this nest and eggs from excelsior and paper mache, added a bird from Retro Cafe Art, and words from a children's book all on a leftover piece of scrapbook paper.

I glammed up a copy of a large butterfly with glitter and used stickers and small glittered pictures of butterflies and text to make the next two. The large butterfly is bent over the page and continued on the next. The last one should be before the other but I forgot to put them in backwards when adding the photos here.

Sometimes I wonder about some of the strange and annoying insects that God made but He has a purpose for every creation. Don't forget that about you, too.
Genesis 1: 20, 21,25--"And God said, '...let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.'...So God created every winged bird according to its kind....God made all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Something's wrong with the connection between my camera and my computer so as technically astute as I am, it will take me a while to figure it out. In the meantime, I'll show you some of the pages in a large journal that's in the S'More shop around the corner.

This is a copy of a cute little advertisement for Bluebird Brand Buttons that I fancy cut, backed with scrapbook paper and added little blue buttons in descending size.

This was probably another ad with a bluebird. I added cheese cloth and a vintage felt flower and leaves.

This little guy is so cute and he sits by a tab make from scrapbook paper, stapled on the page and I added a fancy stamp.

Since the book is about wings, I added a fairy here. The light print says, "You are precious in his sight."

I used a large butterfly with the words, "quite safe," from a vintage book. I added a crown to the bird's head, put the bird on a craft stick, made a pocket of two small luggage tags sewn together and added a sparkly sticker.

I'll save some more pictures for tomorrow because I have to cook supper for the church's Wed. meal so I'll be a little busy and won't get to investigate, buy a cord or whatever else I have to do. Computers: can't live with them; can't live without them--now.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Old Bottle New Vase

This use to be an old Sunsweet prune juice bottle. I remember my Mom buying juice in this type of bottle and the Sunsweet name is on the bottom. I grabbed it right up, having bought it for a song at a little flea market, and used it as a vase for these lovely flowers my husband brought home for me (given to him as a thank you for working the sound for a group that met at church.)
This is just another example of making old into new. I had decided to throw this bottle away after finding that I couldn't resell it because of a crack in the top. It had been so muddy when I got it that I didn't notice it (people, check your purchases carefully.)
My life gets pretty "muddy" at times and yes, I'm old and "cracking" as we speak (just talk to the two people whose events I forgot in just the last two days), but I still believe God keeps giving me second chances.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Genesis 2:7--"The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."

Don't get me wrong, I'm not comparing myself to God but I am understanding just a little of what God must have felt when He created man--out of the dust and into a living, breathing human being. Creating something from "nothing" is a joy for me. I started with breaking apart an old grapevine wreath and reformed a portion of it into a thinner one, tying it together with rusty wire. I then used my discarded leaves from floral sprigs from which I had already used the flowers and disassembled mini corsages I had found for 70% off at Joann's a couple of years ago (no, I don't through anything crafty away!), formed them into new clumps and bound them to the wreath after having gessoed the wreath and them. But something was missing (hmmm, the Eve?), so I added cream tulle to it a there it is. I breathed new life into discards and I like it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So Many Tags

I made over 20 package tags the other day, just playing around. I lined up manila tags and just collaged over them, cut them apart and then added little bits of cutsey stuff like flowers, buttons, stickers, ribbons, sparkly stick-ons and embroidery thread. It was very fun and relaxing and I think they turned out cute. Click on the picture and see the close-up for a better view. I've put one set of four (two more to go) on my Etsy site (see the side bar) and will take three sets to the shop. I'll have a few for myself that way. I usually sell or give away my art stuff and never have any to use myself. Gifts are fun to get and to give. I believe I even have more fun giving to my children and grandchildren than I do receiving from them.
I don't remember the reference and time is not on my side to look it up but the Golden Rule says, "Do to others what you would have them do to you." I love getting gifts but giving is better.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


the doors


This little journal is from 1931. It was probably a token given by a concrete company when a job was done or as advertisement. I found it at an estate sale and loved the small lined pages. It only measures 2 3/4" x 4 1/4" and it's perfect for my next purse notebook. I was going to sell it but I've been looking for those thin-lined refill notebooks for the expensive Daykeepers (I think that's what they are called) and can't find them. I found this instead.
I'm a locked-up person. I don't let too many people know me. It's safer that way. I'm emotional and talk too much about things I shouldn't--hmmm, maybe gossip is what you call it. Anyway,
not the greatest thing for a minister's wife to do. So, I keep to myself. It's rare when I actually feel comforable revealing my secrets. Too many have been shared by me and then delivered on a platter to someone else--like a special treat. I realize that being a friend means being friendly, sharing and giving of self. I'm trying to unlock my heart.
It's difficult.

Luke 16:15--"You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts."

Monday, May 11, 2009


After the "bland" of my last entry, I've now advanced to "beautiful." Well, I think it's beautiful anyway. It's very simple: linen background, corner of a gorgeous lace falling apart hankie, broken glass button (you have to look closely), text from two different old dictionaries, vintage lace, ribbons and a pearly shell self shank button (say that three times fast), all applied to a small notebook.

Psalm 45:11--"The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord."

Though this is speaking to King David's wife, I take it personally from the LORD himself. I don't feel very beautiful at times. I'm getting older and things aren't what they used to be but as my mother told me, "It doesn't matter what you look like outside if the inside is not beautiful." Haven't you seen those women who glow? Their eyes sparkle and they are full of life and vigor no matter how old they are. I want to be that kind of women and that sort of thing has to be nurtured. I have to BE what I'm supposed to be, not just DO all the time. If I'm not right with God then nothing I do is right either and no one wants anything to do with me. I'm seeking true beauty, how about you?

Friday, May 8, 2009


Yep, this is how bland my artwork is getting. I've had a down week and haven't created much, especially the last few days. All I want to do is sit. I had a cold the first of the week and now I don't want to do anything. This notebook is a rejuvenation from a reject. I was making a get well card for a guy in my church who had surgery but I put this layout on the card upside down! So I ripped it off and attached it to a book--rightside up this time. I had to work to get all of it on and to lay down flat over the bend of the book. There's a saying, "you can't mess up mixed media art"-- seems it can always be saved. It's a good thing God doesn't throw us away when we're "messed up."
Jeremiah 29:11--"I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Now may be the time for me to just listen to his plans.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Peaceful Play Day

Today will be a play day for me. First, Preschool music teaching and then??? "Daddy's gone a huntin' " but I don't think I'll have to worry about a turkey dinner too soon. For the past 4 years he's gone and no turkey to show for it. What we do for our hobbies! Oh, well, he puts up with all my junk around the house waiting to be transformed into art or sold in my shops on Etsy. I can put up with his hobbies, too, since there are so few of them and he takes so little time off for himself.
I made this little ATC for an exchange (Gaby, here's the preview). I was advised to do nothing too sweet but I couldn't resist this photo, though sweet as it is. I colored it up a bit with paint on cheese cloth (a new favorite fabric of mine now), gold on etched gel medium, wings stickers, a bit of lace and and a button with the original thread. I love the little bows on her shoes. I called this one "Peace."
John 14:27--"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (NIV)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Little Under the Weather

It happens every Spring--warm weather, cool nights, rain, and a cold. Yep, I've been down and out for a few days and I really didn't even think about blogging. I am celebrating my 500th post with a drawing. See Sunday's post to find out what I'm giving away, take your pick and leave a message on any blog entry this week to win. I'll draw on Sat. night. Well, the birds are making their nests and it's still raining. I'm grateful for dry houses--at least a part of ours is dry. Have a good week.

Psalm 84:3--"Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young— a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God."

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Giveaway for 500th Post

Take your choice, the pink or the green cone--minus the candy:( I'm giving away one of these to celebrate my 500th post. Comment on my blog this week and next Sat., May 9 by 10:00 P.M. Central time, I will draw for a winner. Leave your email address in your comment if you don't have a blog so I can contact you. Hope you are enjoying Spring!

1 Corinthians 3:7--"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow."

Saturday, May 2, 2009

500th Post

Oh, the wonder of it all! 500 posts is amazing for me and a bit unbelievable. I didn't realize until I looked at my edit page that last Thursday was the day. I'll have to have a give-away this week. Let me think what it will be--maybe some of my art that I have lying around here with nowhere to go. Just comment on any of my blog entires this week and next Saturday, May 9 I'll draw a name.

I made this large journal with over 20 small vignettes inside to put in the shop around the corner. I've been meaning to make one that would interest young girls and so this one. It's called "Wings." I have butterflies, birds, bugs, fairies and angels--and one airplane. I used the scripture in Psalm 91:4--"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge."

Friday, May 1, 2009


I made this simple little notebook for my daughter-in-law who's birthday is Saturday. I used this beautiful image from The Feathered Nest (thank you, Dawn) of two young ladies reading a book--studying. It reminded me of the scripture from 2 Timothy 2:15--"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." I also used decorative papers, old music for the inside covers, cheese cloth, text from an old dictionary, vintage shell buttons (with the original threads--I love 'em), and silk ribbon. Have a great day.