Monday, April 28, 2008

Old to Almost New

Old to Almost New: How I love to transform things. I bought this wad of lace that looked like the lace on the left. I untangled little strands and came up with a smaller wad. I washed it twice, hung it to dry, pressed it and-- Voila-- Almost New lace. The first wad was gray with dirt--so gray that I thought it had been in a fire. The picture doesn't show the reality of how dirty it was. I love making old things new. I've already used some in an art project. It was just what I had been needing--flat lace (look for finished project tomorrow.)

I can just imagine how Christ must feel when he transforms a human soul--dirty with the stain of life, wadded up and thrown away--smelly and filthy. He makes us clean again and puts us back into his plan for something beautiful. There we were, all wadded up in sin and tangled in our misery, and he gently untangled us, washed us and made us Almost New. Sometimes, like the lace, we show the results of tangling, like holes, tears and unwashable spots, but we now have a new purpose. No longer will we remain wadded and forgotten. He has a new plan for us. Go get washed up; it's time to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for your "thoughts". They are what I need to hear.