This also holds true to sewing unwashed fabric to washed fabrics. There are people who work only with new fabric with the sizing still in it, but that limits them to buying new fabric for every piece they do. I'm a saver and collector of all kinds of fabric and I do buy new fabric to complete a certain design. I always wash my fabric before I sew. It takes patience to do so because when I buy it, I want to instantly use it. I had to wait until it is washed and ironed before I cut the pieces I want. Should I add unwashed (unshrunk) fabric to washed fabric, the piece would shrink with the first washing it got and pull away from the rest of the pieces. What a mess and how discouraging to see that the quilt you just made is now in shreds. Jesus' gospel message was new to the Jews. It wasn't a patch for the old laws. When we accept Christ, we must live new lives. The old is gone; the new has come.
I've added the corners to my fans. All the fabric in the multi-colored fans are scraps I've used in other projects. The corners are from new fabric I bought last week, washed, ironed and then cut it out. I have 15 multi-colored fans that will make 15 blocks for the quilt.
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