Monday, February 9, 2009

Heart Thoughts 6

Psalm 16:8-9--"I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure."

Isn't it a great feeling to be secure? How often I've lain awake at night wondering, "What is going to happen if...?" Then I remember, "This is out of my hands. There's nothing I can do about it. It's all up to God." It's at that point that I'm able to rest. He gives me sweet peace and a restful night. There are so many "ifs" in my life right now--so many people with problems who have come to me to vent. I become agitated wondering how I can help them and what can I do. I realize that I'm becoming addled and my brain is about to explode. Unfortunately, I let myself go beyond the brink before I cry out to God to handle all these situations. I MUST remember that the Lord is always before me and has things already worked out; I must not be shaken.

This is another in a series of little books called "Heart Thoughts." I used scrapbook paper to cover the front and back, old music stained with ink to cover the insides, ribbons, a piece of old feed sack fabric and old buttons sewn and tied with embroidery floss. I condensed the scripture in the back of the book to read: " I have set the Lord always before me...therefore my heart is glad. Psalm 16:8-9."

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